NO! I am not referring to my garden. Hedging is a widely used technique designed by investors to secure profits. 

Hedging In Trading - Generatebucks
Hedging in Trading techniques - Generatebucks

Hedging in trading is a technique that utilized by investors of all kinds. The principle of the technique is to invest in financial assets to reduce risk by investing in different assets and aim to make profits from both. Derivatives which include futures and Options contracts make hedging possible 

Traders will use derivative, majorly Options to hedge against a fall in price of portfolio of stocks or an inventory, they have. By taking an opposing position options traders may hedge positions. On this post we look in greater detail at how hedging may be utilized in trading derivatives and just how valuable the technique is. 

What's Hedging in trading?

Among the ways to explain this way is to compare it to insurance is a kind of hedging. You incur the price of the insurance premium so which you will receive some kind of compensation if your possessions are stolen, lost, or damaged, thus limiting your exposure. Even though it's somewhat more complicated that just paying an insurance premium hedging in investment terms is very comparable. To be able to offset any losses you may experience on one investment the concept is, you'd make another investment to defend you. 

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For it to work, the two associated investments must have negative correlations that is to say that whenever a single investment falls in value this other should increase in value. For instance, gold is widely considered a great investment to hedge against shares and currencies. 

When the inventory market as a whole isn't performing well, or currency are falling in value, investors frequently turn to gold, because it is often expected to increase in price under such circumstances. Due to this, gold is commonly utilized as a way for investors to hedge against inventory portfolios or currency holdings. There are various other samples of how investors use hedging, however this should highlight this main principle: offsetting danger. 

Another simple example would be an investor would buy in current contract of MCX Zinc at 210 and to offset his risk, he will sell the next month contract of MCX Zinc around 210. If market falls, investor based on the sentiments could make money on both sides and either side, thereby offsetting risk. 

Why Do Investors Use Hedging? 

This isn't really an investment technique that is used to earn money, but it is used to reduce or eliminate possible losses. There are a number numerous reasons why investors choose to hedge, but it is mainly for the purposes of controlling risk. For instance, an investor might own an especially large amounts of stock in a particular company that they believe is likely to go up in value or pay good dividends, but they might be a bit uncomfortable about their exposure to risk. Many investors, especially those focused on the long term, actually ignore hedging completely due to the expenses involved. 

Nevertheless, for traders that seek to earn money out of short and medium term price fluctuations and have many open positions at any one time, hedging is a fantastic risk management tool.

A trader tip – hedging is beneficial not only in licking profits but if you hedge in MCX future markets, your margin money is slashed to almost 60% for each unit hedged. Learn how to trade in commodities