Crude Oil prices have been hot topic lately. Crude Oil futures touched this year high early this week after touching its low early this year.

Crude Oil Investing Strategies -

Energy counters never lose their trading charm. Natural Gas and Crude Oil prices have been hot topics looking at the movement in prices. Both counters are highly volatile and highly dependent on production and supply. With immediate change in production and supply, we could see an immediate impact on trend and price movements.

Crude Oil Investing techniques 

Natural Gas is a seasonal commodity while Crude Oil is highly in demand throughout the year. Investing in Crude Oil futures is risky but your returns of investments are great.

A month ago WTI Crude Oil futures was trading as low as $58.50 compared to $66.50, this week high.

Prices jump since the sanctions on Iran will be effective starting first week of May. With cancellation of the wavier, Crude Oil inventories were expected to drop. The Trump Administration significantly tightening the economic squeeze on Iran, announcing it will try to bring down Iran’s oil exports to zero by no longer granting exemptions to U.S. sanctions on Iranian oil exports to eight countries as of next week. Read here

#Crude Oil Investing

Most analyst did warn traders to trade cautiously since an increase in supply could impact the prices and we saw the price movement yesterday. Crude Oil prices encountered significant pressure after the Energy Information Administration reported a build in crude oil inventories for the week to April 19. #Crude Oil Investing

The authority said inventories had risen by 5.5 million barrels in the seven-day period two days after the United States announced it would be cancelling the waivers it had granted eight oil importers so they could continue buying crude from Iran. Initially, prices jumped on the news sparked by worry about supply security, but later they eased down again as the supply situation globally appeared to be satisfactory.
#Crude Oil Investing

Crude Oil investing tip

Looking at fundamentals, $65 level continues offer significant support, and the $67.50 level offers significant resistance.

MCX Crude Oil futures will follow WTI crude and we can expect Crude Oil to trade in a range. Currently, we can assume market to follow a bullish trend for this week and then we can expect slight correction in the prices.

I would suggest to enter a short position around 4710 for a target of 4640 and strict Stop loss of 4750.

If this market break above 4750 then we could also see 4800-4840 in upcoming sessions. Market is heading towards a correction soon and risky traders could make the most out of it.#Crude Oil Investing

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Crude Oil Investing tips - Generatebucks
Crude Oil Investing tips - Generatebucks